
Horse Arena to Allow Public Riding

The indoor house area at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center will be open for public riding for the first time beginning Monday.

In the four years that it has been operating, the 150-by-350 foot arena has been solely for horse shows and polo matches.

“The public really wanted to come in and use the facility,” said Jil Simmons, a riding instructor at the center. “It’s the only one in the area.”


Horse riders can use the Equidome at 480 Riverside Drive in Los Angeles from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Monday through February. It also will be open to the public on the nights of March 11 and 25. A $10-per-horse admission fee will be charged. Parental approval will be required for riders under 18.

Simmons said that, if response is great enough, the center will consider continuing the policy permanently. The Equidome would need to attract about 20 riders every Monday night for that to happen, she added.
