
Moorpark Plan Could Raise Taxes by $72

The Moorpark City Council was told Monday night that three proposed assessment districts could add about $72 a year to local residential property taxes.

The three assessment districts, or special taxes, proposed for park maintenance, lighting and landscaping were sent back to the city staff, which was instructed to “take a hard look at the formulas” for assessment, Councilwoman Leta Yancy-Sutton said.

Local residents voted overwhelmingly last November for the City Council to consider assessment districts to maintain and improve three existing parks and create two additional ones.


Last November, the assessment for parks maintenance was estimated at $15 a year, City Manager Steven Kueny said. However, the proposal to add two parks has raised that to $32 a year, he said.

Lighting and landscaping would add about $40 more a year to local taxes, Kueny said. The council voted to continue the public hearing on the three assessment districts to June 17.
