
Relief Agency to Send Medicine to Nicaragua

More than 25,000 pounds of medicine and other supplies will be flown to Nicaragua on July 4 to be distributed to non-combatant civilians in remote areas, the private international relief group Operation California announced.

Richard Walden, executive director of the Beverly Hills-based organization, said the airlift will demonstrate that “genuine humanitarian aid is medicine to civilians not connected to a government,” as opposed to that aid approved by Congress for the anti-Sandinista contras .

Walden said the Sandinista government is waiving handling and landing fees for the $250,000 shipment, but that distribution will be made to the needy by an independent church-based organization without ties to either the Nicaraguan government or the rebels.

The airlift is co-sponsored by Operation California and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee of Boston, Walden said.
