
San Juan Presbyterian Youths Fly to Alaska to Serve Community

As part of a service project with a sister Presbyterian church in Alaska, 28 youths from the Community Presbyterian Church in San Juan Capistrano flew to Wrangell, Alaska, Wednesday for two weeks of community and church-related service.

The San Juan Capistrano church’s first project will be working with the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood organization to clear an old Indian graveyard of brush. Other projects include painting the Wrangell church manse, which has been damaged by weather exposure, clearing a wooded area for a park behind the church and chopping firewood for the coming winter months.

The San Juan Capistrano youth fellowship undertook the projects in an effort to improve relations between the native Indian population and the Presbyterian church in Wrangell. The fellowship also hopes to create a similar group among the Wrangell teen-agers.


The 28 youths have worked for more than a year to earn enough money for the expedition by collecting papers, washing cars, and holding bazaars and other fund-raisers. According to Harry Elliott, spokesman for the Community Presbyterian Church, their goal was to collect $16,000, but “they’re about $800 short.”

Elliott said the church is still seeking tax-deductible donations to help defray expenses for the summer mission program. For more information, call (714) 493-1502 or stop by the church at 32202 Del Obispo in San Juan Capistrano.

Los Alamitos Community Congregational Church will welcome the Rev. Kenneth R. Wyant as the new pastor at 10 a.m. services Aug. 25 at the church, 4111 Katella Ave. in Los Alamitos. Wyant joined the church after more than 100 candidates were screened. Nursery care is provided for the Sunday services. For more information, call (714) 527-2343.


The Evangelical Free Church of Orange will celebrate its 25th anniversary Sept. 13-15 at the church’s new center, 1350 E. Taft Ave. in Orange.

A special event during the celebration will be “The Face of Christ” event at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Artist Gil Amelio will take 300 pounds of clay and create the changing concept of Christ as people have viewed Him through the ages. Amelio and his sculpture have been featured on both ABC and CBS television networks and the Crystal Cathedral’s “Hour of Power.” For more information, call (714) 639-6918.
