
Badham Scored in Drilling Battle

Jeffrey A. Perlman’s recent commentary (July 28) on the causes and consequences of the decision by Interior Secretary Donald P. Hodel to terminate the moratorium on oil drilling in the offshore waters of Orange County was excellent but not quite complete. And the comments (Aug. 4) by Assemblyman Gil Ferguson (R-Newport Beach) and the letters to the editor underscore that omission. The other factor which made it almost a foregone conclusion that coastal Orange County would get the brunt of the drilling is that Rep. Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach) has absolutely no clout.

For all of the years during which Badham has ostensibly represented this district, he has been dismissed by both political parties--the Democrats and his own Republican Party--as a lightweight, interested in no more than traveling around the world at the taxpayers’ expense. For years, the Republican majority in the 40th Congressional District has cheerfully reelected Badham on the assumption that, although he accomplished nothing and represented no purpose but his own, he was a Republican and could be counted upon always to vote the straight Republican ticket.

However, chickens inevitably come home to roost. When all of the citizens of this congressional district needed to have an effective legislator to represent their interests, Badham was uninterested, unavailable and impotent.


Look at the record. Even with his demonstrated willingness to vote for any defense budget item without examination for waste or question of need, President Reagan has not asked him to play any role whatsoever.

Next year, the voters of the 40th District once again will have the opportunity to replace a cipher with an active and committed legislator. Perhaps next year the Republican majority in this district, looking at the oil derricks offshore and oil spills coming ashore, may conclude that it is better to elect a new person--even a Democrat--who is capable of getting things accomplished, over a Republican who manifestly is not.

Meanwhile, we can enjoy tangible and visual pollution, courtesy of Badham’s ineptitude.


