
Report Cards

Regarding Pamela Moreland’s article (Sept. 5), “Teachers Plan Report Cards on Principals,” I must say it’s about time. Teachers should have been given the opportunity to rate their principals a long time ago.

President Wayne Johnson of the United Teachers of Los Angeles is on the right track in creating an evaluation of principals by their teachers. It is an opportunity for all concerned, with the benefits reaching all segments of the school population.

The process, if fairly administered, would hold principals accountable, and protect them as well. As Johnson points out, a jealous teacher would not be able to hurt the reputation of a teacher because a good administrator will have the support of the majority of teachers.


Being a student, I feel I can receive the best education from teachers who have a positive relationship with their administrator. With this 20-question evaluation, I think that the principal will be provided with a valuable tool to improve his relationship with his teachers.


