
Children on Vacation

I am writing in reference to Mike Granberry’s article “Trip Tip” (Sept. 4).

I really enjoyed the story, as I can relate to the situation of taking a little one on vacation. My husband and I took our daughter, now 4, on a four-day trip to Galveston, Tex. My husband got a super tan, and I got frustrated. My in-laws were along and volunteered to watch Patti for us--one day. That was my vacation. Well, as it turned out, it wasn’t so bad because I learned that Patti liked it outside and liked the water. But I will never take a child on a vacation again unless he or she is at least, oh, say, 21!

Actually, when my children, (I now have two daughters, ages 4 and 2), are around 6, we’ll try it again. But for now, all the promises that Mamaw and Papaw made, and Granddad and Grandma made about keeping the kids for us so we can get away will be called in!


