
‘Brickbats’ to Gilb, ‘Kudos’ to Lojeski

We have been reading the Los Angeles Times for over 40 years and nothing has prompted me to write a letter to the editor as much as the Sept. 19 article in your San Gabriel section on Asian newcomers to Arcadia.

First, brickbats to Arcadia Councilman Charles Gilb on his festering comments; and secondly, kudos to Councilman Dennis Lojeski for his positive attitude toward the situation. I am sure that Lojeski’s children will become more open-minded and knowledgeable as a result of assimilating with children of other ethnic backgrounds.

At one time, a majority of our parents came as immigrants to America and they were never faced with the bigotry and narrow-mindedness such as Gilb is trying to instill in the minds of Arcadia residents.


I think Gilb needs to be reminded of a group of Asian Nisei soldiers who served in Europe during World War II and the record they established. When they rescued a lost Texas battalion, they didn’t stop to see what color the soldiers were--they knew where their loyalty was.


Monterey Park
