
Get It Straight

After reading the letter by Dr. Bill Bright to his supporters concerning Proposition A, I was deeply ashamed that a fellow Christian pastor would sink so low. To wrap a land-use issue in confrontational religious language is sad indeed.

He refers to San Diegans for Managed Growth as a “special interest group,” yet fails to tell the reader that the support for his project comes mainly from developers, some of whom are from L.A. . . . that is a “special interest group!” These developers have already taken half of the urban reserve and they want the rest now. They stand to make millions by destroying the rest of the existing city growth management plan. Further, Bright’s San Diego office is in a developer’s office! Note that more than 72,000 San Diego citizens signed a petition asking for managed growth. The issue is “managed” growth verses uncontrolled growth.

While attacking Mayor Roger Hedgecock, Bright again fails to mention that his group, Citizens for Community Planning, has been headed by Uvaldo Martinez--yes, the same, “Have you had lunch with?” councilman.


If all of this is not enough, Bright and his Campus Crusade for Christ have created a hateful lie that homosexuals are opposing them, by which they mean God. This untrue, emotionally charged statement without foundation is intended to inflame the reader.

By now, it must be clear that Bright is prepared to collaborate with anyone and say anything that will achieve the goal of building his Graduate Christian University. My only question is, will this proposed “Christian” school have a morals or ethics department?


San Diegans For Managed Growth

San Diego
