
The Traffic Diverters on Memory Lane in Santa Ana

High praise for the Central Municipal Court judges who are dismissing, in the interest of justice, citations for turning right from Memory Lane to southbound Flower Street.

As a commuter from northeast Fullerton to my job in downtown Santa Ana, I can sympathize with those who are now seeking new routes to work. I currently take Santa Clara Avenue from Bristol Street, east to Flower. However, I’m sure I’ll not be traveling that access for long if the area residents are allowed to install more “traffic diverters” or “no right/left turn” signs.

I own a single family home in a private community. Through my homeowners’ association dues the streets and lighting in my tract, none of which are dedicated to the city, are repaired and maintained.


Although there are no gates or traffic diverters, signs are posted at the entrances to my neighborhood indicating it is private property. These seem to adequately discourage any through traffic.

It seems to me the residents of the area surrounding North Flower Street want all the advantages of a private community at taxpayers’ expense. Why not deed the entire area over to those residents at an appropriate price to the city?

Let them pay for all the public services now provided to them to help keep their historically significant neighborhood beautiful.


Until that happens, the City of Santa Ana should not restrict public access to a main, public thoroughfare during certain hours on certain days merely because it offends the sensibilities of certain citizens.


