
It’s Time to Revive Conservation Corps

Your recent article on the Alumni Assn. of the Civilian Conservation Corps showing the gathering of the many successful men who were graduates of the Depression CCC emphasized again the need to implement this program (“The CCC Boys Set Up Camp Again” by Charles Hillinger, Sept. 26).

With 40% of black youths and 20% of white unemployed and living for the most part in the asphalt jungles of our big cities, this program would put them to useful work and train them for successful lives.

As one who saw this program firsthand, the fire roads, fire breaks and trails and campgrounds built, I know the program works. Due to budget cuts, the present campgrounds and trails in our national parks are in poor maintenance.


These young people could be taught to work and see another world that they might one day be proud of. Many of the firemen with whom I worked in the Los Angeles County Fire Department were successful graduates of the CCC. President Reagan is familiar with the work of the CCC as he had a ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains where they did some of their best work. What are we waiting for?


Division Assistant Chief (retired)

Los Angeles County Fire Department
