
A Home in the Sun

The passage of Proposition A is not, as commonly believed, a triumph for the “environmentalists.” It is a triumph of selfish people who have their place in the sun and don’t want to share it. It was supported by the very people who wouldn’t be here if this same proposition had been passed 20 years ago--or even 10 years ago. Places like Mira Mesa and Rancho Bernardo wouldn’t exist.

The northern part of San Diego County abounds in huge expanses of undeveloped and unused land. Why do present homeowners feel threatened by the idea of using this space for new homes, schools, churches and parks? What are we saving it for?

Let’s forget, for the moment, about people from other parts of the country who would like to live here. Let’s think about the people who do live here, in comfortable homes overlooking the “canyons and open spaces and beaches.” Most of them have children, or will have children.


When these children grow up and want homes of their own in San Diego, where will they live?

Those who voted for Proposition A have said, in effect, “that’s their problem.”


La Jolla
