
The State : Police Fatally Shoot Man

A robbery suspect was shot fatally by a Bakersfield police officer. It was the second shooting this month by a member of the force, which has been accused by some in the community of having too many police-related shootings. The robbery suspect, Henry Lee Davis, 25, of Bakersfield, died in Kern Medical Center, the coroner’s office said. Police said Officer M. Charmley saw a car matching the description of one wanted by Kern County sheriff’s deputies in a convenience store robbery. Charmley stopped the car and, with backup help, handcuffed the driver, Rodney F. McDowell, 26, of Bakersfield. During a search, the passenger, Davis fled and officers chased him. Then Davis stopped, turned toward the officers and was shot. Police gave no indication if Davis was armed. Davis’ shooting reportedly was the 18th by a Bakersfield officer since 1979 and the eighth resulting in death.
