
Texas Hat Makers Plan Gift for Gorbachev

From Reuters

Two Texas hat makers, impressed by Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev’s Western-style dress at the Geneva summit talks, are planning to present Gorbachev with a truly Western hat.

“I’m gonna send a $385 western hat to the big boss over there, what’s his name, and I’m gonna put his name in big gold letters on the band,” declared Tom Peters, the 94-year-old founder of Peters Brothers hats in Fort Worth, Tex.

But executives with Resistol Hats in suburban Dallas say they will give the Soviet leader a choice of brims to help weather the cold winter.


Resistol President Irving Joel said he planned to send Gorbachev the same kind of $300 cowboy hat chosen by President Reagan, plus a more conservative $50 snap-brim model worn by local hero and Dallas Cowboys football coach Tom Landry.
