
The State - News from Nov. 27, 1985

Inviting Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev to present the June 15 commencement address is “an interesting idea” and will be investigated, Stanford University President Donald Kennedy said. Kennedy said he will make “some preliminary inquiries” into the proposal, first suggested by some graduating seniors and supported by 500 others who signed a petition. A panel recommends speakers, but Kennedy will have the final say. “Hosting Gorbachev would be a real coup . . . demonstrating the seriousness with which this institution takes its role in influencing U.S. and international policy and training policy-makers from around the world,” an editorial in the Stanford Daily said. According to students behind the proposal, a Soviet Embassy spokesperson said Gorbachev would consider a formal invitation, but suggested leaving the date open in case Gorbachev was not available on commencement day.
