
Ralph Bolles Elected President of County Engineers Council

Ralph E. Bolles, owner of Ralph Bolles Co., Hacienda Heights, has been elected president of the Los Angeles County chapter of the California Council of Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors.

Serving with him are George S. Colvin, Psomas & Associates, Santa Monica, vice president; Clyde C. Cabrinha, Cabrinha, Hearn & Associates, Pasadena, secretary; Olen D. Murrey, Olen D. Murrey Civil Enginering, Monterey Park, chief financial officer, and W. David Wagner, Wagner-Stanford Consultants, Placentia, chairman of the board.

Directors are Tony K. Wong, KaWes & Associates, Los Angeles; George E. Barr, B & E Engineers, Los Angeles, and Melvin Sukow, Engineering Technology Inc., Sherman Oaks.
