
Holiday Accommodations: Colleges

<i> Izon is a Canadian travel journalist covering youth budget routes. </i>

During holiday periods, hundreds of universities and colleges around the world have economical accommodations they will rent to visitors.

One way to check whether rooms are available is to write or phone the directors of residences at schools in the area you intend to visit. Another source for details on more than 650 universities and colleges in more than 25 countries which will rent rooms during holiday periods is the “U.S. and World-Wide Travel Accommodation Guide” by Campus Travel Services.

This annual booklet provides daily room rates, available dates, food and activity services on campus, rental restrictions (some are limited to students), addresses and phone numbers for making reservations.


An advantage of student residence lodging is that although the rates may be a little more expensive than other styles of youth budget lodging, you usually get a lot more privacy. Most residence rooms are designed for one or two people, although it’s unlikely that they will have adjoining washroom facilities.

Check Location

A disadvantage can be location. Some campuses are on the edge of town. That may be fine if you have your own transportation; otherwise, check locations before you commit yourself.

Most lodging listings range from $6 to $16 a night. Average is $11. This year’s edition includes facilities at more than 400 institutions in the United States and 39 in Canada. Copies of the guide can be ordered for $9.95 from Campus Travel Service, 1303 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 92661.


Young travelers who plan to visit Scotland this summer may consider a special program called the Wayfarer Travelpass, offered by Scottish Youth Hostel Assn. (SYHA).

An advantage of this program is that you get lots of opportunity to meet local residents because you travel independently on all forms of public transport. Participants get an unlimited travel pass valid for eight or 12 days on most public services (rail, ship, even postal bus) in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

Do-It-Yourself Tour

Participants in this do-it-yourself tour also receive vouchers for seven or 11 nights lodging at youth hostels, an information guide, timetable, map and SYHA handbook.


The program is offered from May 1 to Sept. 30. Peak rates are charged if you begin in July or August: $145 for eight days and $180 for 12 days. In May, June and September the cost is $125 for eight days and $160 for 12 days. Rates are reduced slightly for travelers under 21.

Details are available from Scottish Youth Hostels Assn., 7 Glebe Crescent, Stirling, Scotland FK8 2JA.

Young travelers who are thinking of stopping to work when funds run low can get helpful information from “Work Your Way Around the World,” by Susan Griffith, published by Vacation Work.

The best advice it offers: Before you embark on your adventure you should have enough money in hand to be able to do what you want during your trip and only work when an agreeable situation presents itself. Then all your memories should be pleasant ones.

Offsets Travel Expenses

The guide is designed for English travelers but its descriptions of foreign work situations will give insights to young Americans on jobs from sailing crews to English teachers, vehicle drivers to harvest helpers.

It’s unlikely that the jobs covered will give you career experience. But if what you hope to do is supplement or offset travel expenses, it tells you about such positions.


If you can’t find a copy in your local bookstore it can be ordered from Henry Fletcher Services Ltd., 304 Taylor Road, West Hill, Ont. Canada M1C 2R6, for $11.25 including shipping and handling.
