
Pasadena : Rose Bowl Race OKd

Despite a municipal law that bars such activities, the Pasadena Board of City Directors has voted to allow an off-road vehicle race in the Rose Bowl on May 3. On a 5-2 vote, the board approved a suspension of the ordinance prohibiting motor vehicle races in the stadium, despite objections from nearby homeowners that the event would be too noisy.

City officials estimated that the one-day event would net $117,000 for the city and that noise levels from the race would not exceed city standards for activities in the Rose Bowl. The Off-Road Championship, sponsored by promoter Mickey Thompson, will feature the racing of trucks and three- and four-wheel all-terrain vehicles.

Monday’s decision by the board marked the latest clash between residents near the Rose Bowl and city officials over use of the stadium. Nearby homeowners angrily denounced the board earlier this year over its approval of a proposed anti-drug concert to be held at the Rose Bowl. The event was later moved to the Los Angeles Coliseum after its promoters and the city disagreed over rental fees.


Those who live near the stadium say that their neighborhood is disrupted by noise, traffic and patrons from racing events and rock concerts. City officials say use of the Rose Bowl should be expanded to bring added revenue to Pasadena.
