
Public Meeting to Consider Venice Land-Use Changes

The Los Angeles City Planning Department will conduct a public meeting Tuesday on proposed land-use changes in Venice, including one that would eliminate a parking zone near the Ballona Lagoon.

The meeting will convene at 7:30 p.m. in the Westminster Senior Center, 1234 Pacific Ave., Venice, to give residents a chance to prepare for an April 17 Planning Commission hearing on the proposals, said Jeff W. Pool, the department’s Venice planner.

Only parking lots may be built in the parking zone, which covers the block between Yawl Street and the Marina Entrance Channel on the east bank of the Ballona Lagoon. Pool said owner-developer Harlan Lee is seeking a Residential-Waterway 1 designation, which would allow him to build one single-family residence per lot.


Pool said Lee is also seeking changes on two blocks north of Yawl from the existing Residential-Waterway 2, which allows construction of two units per lot, to Residential-Waterway 1. There are five empty lots in each of the blocks.

Lee also is seeking to change the use on the west side of Main Street between Navy Street and Rose Avenue from multiresidential to neighborhood commercial. Lee was unavailable for comment.

Also scheduled for discussion is conversion of a lot abutting the Lincoln Boulevard commercial district near Brooks Avenue from multiresidential to commercial to allow the owner, Pasquina Crescentini, to expand a business fronting on Lincoln.
