
Oust Incumbents

Growth, or more precisely how to harness the unprecedented development of North County, is the issue transcending all others in the June 3 primary election.

If urban sprawl, spreading like a cancer, is the disease, then congested streets, overcrowded schools, courts and jails, and increasing pollution are just a few of the symptoms.

Simply widening highways, rezoning rural and residential land to accommodate endless commercial, industrial and high-destiny housing strips, and building more government offices to serve a never-ending influx of newcomers are merely methods of treating the symptoms, when the most potent remedy is preventive medicine.


It is therefore imperative that North County city councils, the 5th District supervisor and our representatives in the 74th and 76th Assembly districts start implementing considerably tighter land-use policies. To do otherwise is tantamount to sentencing the people of North County to live in an Orange County-type environment.

The consequences of maintaining the status quo are obvious to anyone who drives on the overloaded State Highway 78 and Interstates 5 and 15.

Today, the special interests of the wealthy minority are taking preference over the desires of the majority of ordinary North County residents who clearly want the Los Angelization of northern San Diego County curtailed, now.


The only way to reverse direction is by ousting our incumbents and installing some of the capable candidates on the June 3 ballot.


