
O’Neill Retirement Opens Slots : Coelho Expects to Be Majority Whip in ’87

Times Staff Writer

California Rep. Tony Coelho (D-Merced), the influential head of the Democratic Party’s congressional campaign committee, said Wednesday that he expects to become the majority whip in the House when Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill Jr.’s retirement at the end of the year opens several leadership slots.

“Right now, I have the votes,” Coelho claimed at a lunch with California reporters.

Both House Republicans and Democrats elect their leaders before each new Congress. At present, the Democratic whip, the No. 3 party post in the chamber, is Washington Rep. Thomas S. Foley. But he is the favorite to replace Majority Leader Jim Wright of Texas, who is expected to win O’Neill’s slot.

Not Sewn Up Yet

Although exuding confidence about the whip’s job, Coelho cautioned that he did not have the post sewn up yet and that there is a remote chance that support from colleagues could erode before a post-election party caucus meets to pick leaders for the next Congress. At that time, he said, the list of potential challengers could be headed by New York Democrat Charles B. Rangel.


Coelho dismissed suggestions made publicly by O’Neill that Democratic colleagues might be reluctant to install a Californian as whip after naming two other lawmakers from west of the Mississippi River to the top two party posts in the House. He said such regional jealousies are a thing of the past.

“In the old days, that probably was true,” Coelho acknowledged. “ . . . I think that some candidates (for whip) are trying to make that (regional argument) the issue. If I were in that position, I would, too.”

Distributes Campaign Funds

Coelho, who in his current party job oversees the distribution of large sums of Democratic funds to congressional candidates across the country, predicted that not a single Democratic incumbent would lose a reelection bid in November. Furthermore, he estimated that the party, which holds a 252-182 edge over Republicans in the chamber, would fatten its majority by winning another 10 to 15 seats now held by the GOP.


Asked about California political races, Coelho said he does not believe that apparent widespread voter disapproval for retention of liberal Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird would drag down the fortunes of Democratic candidates in the state this year.

“If she stays down as low (in the polls) as she is, she’s a non-factor,” Coelho said. “. . . It doesn’t carry over. It’s not an emotional vote anymore.”
