
Organizing to Meet the Needs of Homeless and Hungry

Your article about a shelter for the poor (May 29) being blocked three days after Hands Across America points up a critical need in Orange and most other counties.

Now that millions have acknowledged through Hands Across America that there are indeed homeless and hungry in the nation, local churches and service organizations have the job of spotlighting the county poor and homeless in a way that makes a difference.

Which organization or politician will take the lead in the countywide conference or network to identify needs and organize those willing to provide? Our county has the wealth and has yet to organize the will.


The other task at hand might include good Samaritans in the real estate profession to pinpoint locations within the county to accommodate the shelters and drop-in centers for which we have start-up funds but no locations.

Orange County has close to $1 million in state funds to serve the homeless mentally ill and no facilities have been found on which to spend much of that money.

The greatest challenge will be the ability of Americans to be bigger in their consideration for those limited and disabled Americans.



Laguna Hills
