
CALIFORNIA - News from July 3, 1986

Hewlett-Packard has restructured its largest business unit into two new units, or sectors as it calls them. The move follows a series of small changes since the major restructuring of the company in July, 1984, that created HP’s four sectors.

The former information systems and network sector, headed by Executive Vice President John L. Doyle, will retain four of its six groups as the systems technology sector, with Doyle heading it.

Douglas C. Chance, HP senior vice president, will head the new unit, the business systems and personal computation sector. Included in the sector is the personal computers group, headed by Vice President Cyril J. Yansouni.


Doyle, who joined HP in 1957, will be responsible for the Palo Alto-based company’s efforts in computer system peripherals, networks, technology and integrated circuits. Additionally, he will coordinate computer manufacturing throughout the company. Doyle’s group developed the company’s new Spectrum architecture and will continue to develop future Spectrum products.

Chance has been an increasingly prominent member of HP management since he joined the company in 1966. He and Doyle both will report to Dean O. Morton, HP’s chief operating officer.
