
NONFICTION - July 13, 1986

THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: OPPORTUNITIES AND STRATEGIES WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS; FOUNDATIONS; RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS; POLITICAL SUPPORT GROUPS; AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS by Ronald L. Krannich Ph.D. and Caryl Rae Krannich Ph.D. (Impact Publications: $13.95, paperback). True to its title, this book is a comprehensive compilation of information about public employment. It is full of data: numbers of government employees, their distribution among different job classifications, the ranges of positions found in various branches and levels of government. Lists of current information sources abound.

The authors knowledgeably describe the formal and informal pathways to employment in Washington, and a useful chapter gives directions on preparing an effective SF-171 federal employment application. Coverage of state and local government hiring practices is also good, though not as thorough. If your interest is international or the periphery (consulting, foundations, political parties and the like) there is something for you, too.

However, there are better books on job-search techniques. While the authors do indicate ways the public sector job market differs from the private sector, they give the same old advice on networking, resume writing and interviewing.


In reality, the basic techniques vary little. It is the organizational and functional characteristics of institutions that make each job search unique. “The Complete Guide to Public Employment” gives valuable insights into these characteristics for many government and related career fields. It is an excellent reference from which to start a job search in the public sector.
