
Boy, 3, Found Drowned in Pool in Chula Vista

A 3-year-old boy drowned Saturday afternoon after squeezing through a hole in a fence surrounding an unused swimming pool that had not been totally drained at a Chula Vista apartment house.

Eduardo King died after his mother, Rosa King, found him in the deep end of an apartment house pool at 560 Flower St. The Kings live in the same block of Flower Street.

It was not known how long the child had been in the pool before he was found by his mother, who attempted to revive him with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The boy was taken by Life Flight to Sharp Memorial Hospital, where he died without ever regaining consciousness.


The pool was surrounded by a six-foot fence but a woman told Chula Vista police that some of the older neighborhood children had removed slats from the fence so they could ride their skateboards in the pool.
