
Santa Ana : Public Forum Slated on ‘English Only’ Measure

A public forum and debate on a controversial proposition that would make English the official language of California is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Corbin Community Center.

Proposition 63, which will be on the Nov. 4 ballot, would amend the state Constitution to stipulate English as the official language.

Those who favor the proposition say it is necessary to keep the state from becoming like Canada, where both French and English are official national languages. Those opposed say it is unnecessary and would violate the rights of non-English-speaking people.


In the debate Tuesday, Roger Hughes from U.S. English, the organization that drafted Proposition 63, will speak in favor of the measure. Linda Wong, representing the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, will speak against it.

The county Human Relations Commission said the meeting is free and open to the public. Corbin Community Center is at 2215 W. McFadden Ave.
