
Political Briefs : Feinstein Coy About Trying for Governor

San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein said it was much too early to announce her candidacy.

But a San Francisco Chronicle poll gave her such a high popularity rating, she said, that it would be “the most logical step . . . to look at the governor’s race.”

The Chronicle survey, conducted Oct. 10 to 14 by pollster Mervin Field, found that 68% of those interviewed gave Feinstein an excellent or good rating for her overall job performance as mayor, while 22% rated her only fair and 8% thought she was doing a poor job.

And she is not just popular around home: A statewide survey by Field in August disclosed that 83% of those interviewed said they had heard of her and 63% had a favorable image.


For the moment, however, Feinstein said her only plan is “to finish my last year as mayor, and do the very best job I can do.”

“I am not,” she said, “announcing my candidacy.”

