
Proposition 61: Salary Limits

I want to reply to one of your readers who wrote in support of Proposition 61 (the Gann Initiative) that “Quality people, by definition, will never end up in government.” I strongly disagree.

To take only the most obvious example of what is wrong with this, the way the Gann Initiative is drafted, it would apply to the University of California, which has on its payroll a number of winners of the Nobel Prize.

I hope the voters are aware of what an extraordinary jewel they have in the University of California, and of the unparalleled destruction Proposition 61 would subject it to.


The university has been a conduit of opportunity for generations of students and an indispensable force for the prosperity of the state through its attraction for research-oriented industries, which cluster around its campuses. The university would be but one of the many casualties--fire departments, police, schools--of this ill-crafted proposition.


Santa Monica
