
Steve Raynor to Head Valley Board of Realtors

Steve Raynor was elected 1987 president of the 7,800-member San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors, the largest local realtors board in California. A realtor for 26 years and a director of the board since 1980, Raynor will succeed Temmy Walker on Jan. 1.

Raynor, who would not disclose his age, said he sold his firm, Raynor Realty, in 1981 and now represents clients privately from his Tarzana home.

Raynor will be succeeded as first vice president by Tom Carnahan, 32, whose Carnahan & Associates realty firm is based in Woodland Hills. The first vice president traditionally becomes president the following year.


Carnahan’s father, Joseph Carnahan, now retired, was board president in 1961.
