

For the sake of her fans and her ex-bandmates, Maria McKee should drop the name Lone Justice (“McKee and Lone Justice, Take Two,” by Robert Hilburn, Nov. 2).

It’s a pathetic joke to see that moniker displayed alongside a photo of the deferential guys who comprise her latest back-up band.

There was a time (it seems long ago) when Lone Justice was the arguable L.A. successor to X, when Maria and Co. effortlessly conjured up images of the Stones, Janis and the Velvet Underground.


What happened to this incredible group?

Too much ego, hype and “good advice” were probable factors in the departure, one by one, of all four Lone Justice players. And Maria remains the lone survivor.

At a recent Lone Justice II concert, the autocratic McKee seemed in control, happy at last. Maybe it’s because she’s finally found a group of guys who will tell her just what she wants to hear.


Los Angeles
