
San Diego

The San Diego city attorney’s office Thursday told the city’s Civil Service Commission that it has no power to investigate high-ranking Police Department administrators for alleged retaliation against police officers who file disability claims against the city.

Last month, the commission voted to investigate claims by Police Officer Assn. attorney Patrick J. Thistle that police supervisors try to punish officers who have filed disability claims. The commission asked the city attorney to render an opinion on how far the inquiry could go.

The opinion, released Thursday, advises the commission that it can only investigate allegations against Police Department employees who come under Civil Service rules.


But it must stay away from investigating the activities of the highest-ranking administrators, who are exempt from Civil Service rules and answer to Police Chief Bill Kolender and City Manager John Lockwood, the opinion says. Although the commission has subpoena power, it shouldn’t be “confused with the broad investigatory powers” of the county grand jury, the opinion says.

Commissioners said the opinion wouldn’t help much in mapping out their strategy for the investigation.

“I did not expect him to tell us what we already knew,” Commissioner Hope Logan said.
