
Festivities for Los Solteros and Spinsters

Times Staff Writer

The bright and beautiful, as well as youthful, are in a festive spirit: Los Angeles Spinsters host their annual black-tie dinner and dance, Christmas Dansant, at the Valley Hunt Club on Friday evening. And the equally single Los Solteros (the bachelors) celebrate their 38th annual Christmas Ball to benefit Boys Republic Saturday evening in the Crystal Room of the Beverly Hills Hotel. No doubt plenty will go to both parties.

Spinsters president Melina Eversole was recently at the helm at Annandale Country Club in Pasadena to welcome new Spinsters. Membership vice president Christi Kinkle and her assistants, Avery Bayle and Davon Anderson, were showing off Lauren Christenholz, Annie Cramblit, Clunie Holt, Diane Dayton, Laurie Dryden, Angelica Kusar, Renee Lawlor, Janet Nichols, Beth Pearson, Carol Quimby, Allison Ream, Madalyn Seyer, Katherine Thompson and Blair Woodward. Miss Lawlor will represent new members on the executive board.

Los Solteros is the organization of Southern California business and professional men, who, in addition to their social interests, provide financial support for Boys Republic, the nonprofit school/community of young men between 14-18 referred by courts or family to the farm at Chino. It’s there that the Della Robbia Christmas wreaths are made.


According to John Burke, ball chairman, Los Solteros has asked the Marlborough Madrigals to sing for the party. Also in attendance will be former Boys Republic students Bill Pince and John Loukota, 1986 recipients of Los Solteros scholarship and leadership awards. Assisting on the ball are Mike Fergoda, Craig Enright, John Steinlage, Paul McKelvey, Spencer Smith and Bill Scott.

DEBUTANTE SEASON: The lovely home of Mrs. R. Stanton Avery will be the setting next Sunday for the traditional Christmas Tea honoring 1987 June Debutantes of the Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital. Welcoming debs, mothers and grandmothers, as well as guild members, will be Mrs. Kennedy Galpin, president; Mrs. Franklin Simmons, debutante chairman; Mrs. Douglas Longyear Jr., tea chairman; and Ernestine Avery.

The 21 debutantes will be Jennifer Angeloff, daughter of the Dann Angeloffs; Elizabeth Baker, the Danford Bakers; Ann Baxter, the William Baxters; Kelly Bedford, the William Bedfords; Megan Boswell, the James Boswells; Margaret Cunningham, the David Cunninghams; Mary DeWitt, the John DeWitts Jr.; Marianne Dick, Richard Dick and the late Mrs. Dick; Allyson Fogg, the Jonathan Foggs; Lauren Jones, the John Joneses; Kristin King, the John F. Kings; Devon Martin, the Douglas Martins; Katherine Milias, the Mitchell Miliases; Cheryl Morgan, the Stanley Morgans; Rosalind Roberts, the William Roberts; Kathleen Ryan, the Joseph Ryans; Jennifer Schultz, the David Schultzes; Susan Slavik, the Donald Slaviks; Lili Unamuno, the Angel Unamunos; Jennifer Wilcott, the Scott Wilcotts; and Ronalee Wilson, the Ronald Wilsons.


PRESENTEES: Holiday cheer will abound at the Christmas Tea Dec. 23 at the home of Mrs. John P. McNicholas. It fetes presentees of Social Service Auxiliary, according to Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel, tea chairman. In the receiving line will be auxiliary president Mrs. Richard B. Goethals; presentee chairman Mrs. Roger M. Sullivan and her co-chairman, Mrs. William D. Jennett; and Presentation Ball chairman Mrs. C. Peter Nigg.

To be presented June 1 to Archbishop Roger M. Mahony will be Michelle Abajian, daughter of Elizabeth Kilfoy; Elizabeth and Mary Rose Chase, daughters of the Phillip Chases; Julie Doyle, the Robert Doyles; Erin Duffy, the Patrick J. Duffys III; Kelly Flynn, the Terence Flynns; Tina Hammers, the David Hammers; Catherine Hayden, the Stanley Haydens; Amy Hubanks, the John Hubanks; and Kathryn Kaffer, the William Kaffers.

Other presentees: Jennifer Kruse, the Peter Kruses; Hilary Malloy, the John Malloys; Laura Mehren, the Edward Mehrens; Meaghan Mikos, the Paul Mikoses; Victoria Rusnak, Susanne Jaffe and Paul Rusnak; Erin Scully, the Vincent Scullys; Monica Smith, the Robert Smiths III; Mary Sullivan, the Roger Sullivans; Elizabeth Ward, the Richard Wards Jr.; Melanie Wayne, Margaret Hunt Wayne and Patrick Wayne; Natasha Wazzan, the A. R. Frank Wazzans; and Jennifer Weber, the Nicholas Webers.


SPARKLERS: Pete and Wini Voegelin have invitations out for opening night of the Christmas Lights Boat Parade Wednesday evening at their Harbor Island home in Newport Beach. Cocktails, dinner, valet parking. . . .

Saturday evening, Westlake Patrons for Cystic Fibrosis Research dined and danced aboard the “Showboat,” cruising in the 24th annual Marina del Rey Parade of Lights in the Main Channel. . . .

Before their departure for Vienna, German Consul General Gunter Joetze and his wife, Christin, host a farewell Wednesday in the Beverly Wilshire ballroom.

DEB GLOW: Coronets are still glowing after walking through the golden architectural coronet on center stage in the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton at the 38th Coronet Debutante Ball sponsored by the Coronet Debutante Ball board of the National Charity League Los Angeles chapter.

The debs: Cameron Allison, the Don Allisons Jr.; Kristen Arnett, Mrs. Lott Arnett and Jon Arnett; Vanessa Bernacchi, Mrs. Sorenson Bernacchi and Richard Bernacchi; Jodi Brenneman, the Gerald Brennemans; Anne Carter, Mrs. Montgomery Carter and the late George R. Carter III; Denise Cornell, the Frank Cornells; Victoria Curea, Mrs. Brown Curea and Nicholas Curea; Annette Duplanty, the David Duplantys; Catherine Fenaughty, Mellus Fenaughty and Alfred Fenaughty; Juli Gill, the Lynn Gills; Victoria Goplen, the John Goplens; Donielle Hall, the William Halls; Katherine Harper, the Henry Harpers; Anita-Marie Hill, the Robert Hills; and Elna Hubbell, the Orrin Hubbells.

Other debs: Hilary Jones, the Kenneth Joneses; Wendy Kliever, the Waldo Klievers; Kathleen LayPort, Mrs. Patrick LayPort, and the late Mr. LayPort; Kathleen Lindholm, the Dwight Lindholms; Theresa Liuzzi, the Dominic Liuzzis; Kerry Logsdon, the Philip Logsdons; Shannon Leigh McCann, the Hal McCanns; Kelly McLaughlin, the Gordon Melchers; Carolyn McNitt, the Robert McNitts; Ashley Newman, the Ronald Newmans; Elizabeth Savage, the Edward Savages; Molly Schneider, the Carlos Schneiders; Kathleen Solum, the Conrad Solums, Jr.; Erin Stanford, the Elliott Stanfords; Angela Stephan, the Dean Stephans, Jr.; Wendeline Tohidi, the John Tohidis; Gia Trasatti, the Donald Trasattis; Julie Treharne, the Gordon Treharnes; Alexis von Welanetz, the Frederic Paul von Welanetzes; Christina Wedberg, the John Wedbergs; and Marla Wilson, the Weldon Wilsons. Madeleine Zwart, studying with the Joffrey Ballet in New York, and the daughter of the Hendrik Zwarts, was presented in absentia.


The night before the ball, Suzy Carter doubled the excitement for her daughter, Anne, a University of Colorado freshman, by throwing a fiesta at the Beach Club in Santa Monica.

OF COURSE: Giorgio, Beverly Hills, most definitely will have its signature yellow and white stripe--which it uses on packages, awnings, perfumes--on its Rose Bowl Parade first float entry New Year’s Day. The 65-foot rendition will celebrate “a world of elegance” and 25 years of style, inspired by the Fountain of Apollo at the Palace of Versailles. Add three international designers of couture to be showcased: Andrea Odicini Couture, Vicky Tiel and Bill Gibb, and subtract Jean Louis Scherrer, Zandra Rhodes and Oscar de la Renta.

ON AGENDA: Mrs. John Darrell Kerckhoff and her daughter, Natalie, a UC Berkeley student, welcome Pasadena alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma at the traditional Christmas coffee in her San Marino home Saturday. . . .

The Vikings of Scandia in Beverly Hills celebrate at their annual black-tie Christmas gala Monday evening at Scandia. Earlier that day they will host 80 children from the Pace and Service Childrens Clinic, cooking hamburgers, and helping them in and out of the restaurant in their wheelchairs. Then, next Sunday, the Vikings will pack and deliver nearly 1,200 Christmas dinner baskets for families selected by churches and law enforcement groups. Involved are Viking Chief Bob Ruchti, Vikings meister Bob Peterson and Barron Hilton, a Gold Cup member. Both Murray Korda’s Monseigneur Strings and the Citrus College Singers will provide cheery music. . . .

American Express Company joins the Los Angeles County Museum of Art at a reception Tuesday evening to celebrate the opening of “Je Suis le Cahier: the Sketchbooks of Picasso.” . . .

The Big Bear Inn, a European chateau, is coming to Big Bear Lake. (It’s a luxury item, we’re told.) Shirley Jones and Marty Ingels will be there to launch the resort, nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains, Wednesday. It’s owned and operated by Rizos Development Group, which owns and operates world class resorts in Europe. This location reminds the developers of the Alps of Bavaria and France, and so they’ve invested in antiques, artwork, marbled conference rooms and a high-pantry bakery featuring recipes of Northern Italy. There’s also a Huntress restaurant, and an art nouveau Moonridge Club and a health club, not to mention ski slopes, golf and marinas.


Marshall Bouton, director, contemporary affairs, the Asia Society, will speak to the Southern California Center group Monday evening at Gaylord India in Beverly Hills. He recently published “Agrarian Radicalism in South India.”

PLAUDITS: Phyllis Diller received the “For the Love of a Child” award from the Palm Springs chapter of Childhelp USA.

HOLIDAY FUN: Roy and Louise Carbone honored her son, Capt. Richard Scruggs, U.S. Navy, (he’s a fourth generation Californian) on his holiday visit from Washington, D.C. this week with a dinner at the Bel Air Bay Club. Among others entertaining in his honor are Mrs. Melville Courson, Mrs. Harold Duncan, the Howard Stassforths, Mrs. Harold McAlister, the Charles Witts, and Mrs. James Mahoney.

Dennis Weaver cut the ribbon at USC’s Christmas Village on the campus Tuesday. Proceeds from the village will benefit Weaver’s L.I.F.E. organization, according to Carol Silberman and David Price. Vendors within the village will range from glass blowers to poster designers. There will also be canisters to collect food and toys. In an area called Christmas Tree Lane, fraternities and sororities will decorate Christmas trees for later delivery to families.
