
Models Exhibited Throughout Country : Craftsman Makes Farm Box Wagons

Associated Press

David Suhling takes great pride in carrying on a family tradition.

With tools once used by his father and grandfather, Suhling crafts farm box wagons of all sizes, all by hand, and all with the finest of woods--oak, hickory, maple and cherry--that he selects himself.

He makes his own tools, since some of the tools for his craft can no longer be purchased.

“I even do some blacksmith work, as my grandfather, Charles Schreider, did,” he said.

Suhling exhibits his work at craft shows all over the country, and his model farm box wagons are much in demand.

In addition, he believes he is one of only three people in the United States making wooden wheels for Model T’s.


He also makes replacement wheels for Maxwells, Cadillacs and Dodges by bending wood into the proper shape and letting it dry for the required three months.

And for those needing a wooden wheel built for a truck, wagon or cannon, Suhling is the man. Or perhaps one of his sons--Tim and Todd.

Each has a specialty. Tim works on cannons, both actual size and scale models. Todd makes eight different construction toys out of wood, none using nails. All are glued or built of interlocking parts.


Some of the models contain as many as 430 pieces of wood. Todd shuns plans and kits and uses his own designs.

Suhling’s biggest seller--an item he makes year-round to keep up with demand--is his one-sixth-scale farm wagon. Its wheels are made by Suhling’s assistant for the past five years, Sharon Adams.
