
Onion Field Killer Ruling

I imagine that a great number of us ordinary folk will never quite understand why parole boards frequently send killers and other assorted criminals back onto our streets before they have served their time. Once on the loose many take up where they left off and repeat equally vicious crimes.

Is there any accountability on the part of parole board members? Are they held responsible for their failures? I know one thing for sure, that my boss would not keep me very long if I was found guilty of making monumental, irreversible errors in judgment.

A solution might be that no violent criminal can be turned loose on society unless the parole board (1) obtains a guarantee from the criminal that he will not rape, maim or murder anyone while on parole, and (2) if said criminal feels the compulsion to renege on his guarantee, then he can only rape, maim or murder a member of the parole board!



Sherman Oaks
