
Reagan Budget’s ‘Warped Vision’

I would like to thank The Times for its very good editorial, as it recognizes that there is value in “how we as a society treat our least-fortunate fellow citizens, heal our ill, care for our elderly, educate our young people, cherish our land and preserve our heritage.”

Under the Administration of President Reagan we have fostered a nation of warmongers, stirred on by the “Rambo”-type movies glorifying war, the toy stores whose stocks are 60% war toys, and Saturday morning television supplying war in cartoon form.

We are a nation feared by the rest of the world because of the unpredictability of our warlike behavior and our unwillingness to negotiate peacefully and respect international law.


We are a nation shamed by our callous and inhumane treatment of our poor, physically and mentally ill, unemployed and homeless.

We are a nation turned bully of the world in our treatment and policies toward the Third World nations.

I fear for the future of my children, and their children, for such begins the Fourth Reich.



Canoga Park
