
Observance of King Holiday

The issue regarding the observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday is a very sensitive concern to all black and white Americans who struggled so fervently to bring its fruition to pass.

Recognizing the factor of union negotiations as a means to make this national holiday more observable to all employees of Santa Ana, it still must be noted that this observance is a matter of law, not union negotiations.

Recent press and media coverages of statements made by the governors of Arizona and of Utah concerning the retention of the national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr. has made the issue even more prominent.


In January, 1986, members of the Black Ministerial Alliance met with the mayor and city manager of Santa Ana to discuss these issues. We were told to “wait” for city government officials to actively participate in negotiations with the city employee associations to bring about recognition in accordance with the leadership of our country for this holiday.

However ,in January, 1987, one year later, we are again asked to “wait”--for another year!

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in his book entitled: “Why We Can’t Wait,” wrote: “A methodology and philosophy of revolution is neither born nor accepted overnight. From the moment it emerges, it is subjected to rigorous tests, opposition, scorn and prejudice.”

This revolutionary conquest of the celebration of an American black man is also subjected to the oppositions of a political and economic status quo that does not consider the vast implication of those whose blood, sweat and tears have made this a reality.


The Black Ministerial Alliance, as a coalition of concerned Pastors of the city of Santa Ana and other Orange County cities, does not plan to “wait” and wallow in quicksands of gradualism.

We intend to continue to ensure that our views and concerns are heard so that the virtues of our pluralistic and constitutionally granted liberties remain as the foundation of this American republic.


Acting President,

Black Ministers Alliance

of Orange County
