
The Region - News from March 11, 1987

No charges will be filed against any Pasadena police officer in connection with a violent scuffle with community activist Michael Zinzun, who said officers blinded him in one eye in their attempt to arrest him. Head Deputy Dist. Atty. Steve Sowders said an investigation into the June 22 incident at the Community Arms housing project failed to turn up sufficient evidence of police wrongdoing. Two police officers, Christopher Vicino and James Ballestero, have been charged with a misdemeanor, using unnecessary force, in beating another resident during the same incident, Sowders said. The resident, Steve Rivers, suffered a bruised leg and a cut above his eye when officers tried to arrest him in an alleged car theft attempt. Rivers, Zinzun and another resident, Frank Taylor, were later booked for investigation of resisting arrest. Their cases are pending.
