
Cerritos : 15 School Custodians Cut

In a continuing effort to balance its proposed $83-million 1987-88 budget, the ABC Unified School District has eliminated 15 night custodian jobs. The cuts, which involve six temporary and nine regular custodians, will save the district an estimated $330,000.

The Board of Education voted 4 to 3 for the cuts, which become effective June 30. They bring the total district cuts to $2.8 million. In March, the board slashed $2.5 million from the budget, which resulted in the elimination of four administrative and 30 classified jobs. Thirty other classified employees had their hours reduced, and one teaching position in the culinary arts program was cut.

Although the state’s actual funding for education is not known, the district started its expense-cutting operation in January because Gov. George Deukmejian’s proposed budget reduced education’s cost-of-living allowance to 1.1% from 2.2%.


The ABC district would have needed a cost-of-living increase of more that 5% to keep pace with inflation and balance the budget, according to Virgil L. Hall, assistant superintendent for business services.
