
U.S. Urges Allies to Speed Buildup of Oil Reserves

Associated Press

The United States urged other Western nations Monday to speed the buildup of emergency oil stocks as insurance against a future oil crisis.

Some European nations rejected the call by U.S. Energy Secretary John S. Herrington and suggested that the United States try harder to improve its energy efficiency.

In remarks to a meeting of the International Energy Agency, Herrington also threw cold water on suggestions of closer relations between the Western oil importers and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.


A statement by energy ministers of the 21 IEA member countries skirted the issue of relations with OPEC by expressing support only for continued contact between “parties concerned.”

Marcel Masse, chairman of the session and energy minister of Canada, told a news conference after the talks that no new joint actions were considered necessary to guard against a future supply crisis.

“The overall mood of the meeting was one of confidence about our countries’ ability to provide for their long-term energy security.”
