

Thanks for the great article, “Rock of Ages.” It is good to see more and more bands taking an upfront spiritual/moral stance, not necessarily espousing a particular religious belief (though as a devout Christian, I would prefer it), but a heartfelt concern for the spiritual condition of the world.

Rock ‘n’ roll should reach to the heart of people, especially young people. So often rock’s auteurs are more than willing to simply aim for the crotch, for therein the money lies.

What is curious to me is that the traditional sources of morality and authority (i.e., churches and other reputable institutions)are, in many ways, showing their true colors (i.e., American green . . .), while the traditional symbols of immorality, excess and rebellion (e.g., rock musicians)are now being held up as the conscience of America.

The true philosophy of punk died out the day that boredom was discovered to be a marketable commodity. Let’s hope that “rock spirituality” doesn’t suffer the same fate. (“Boredom” and “non-challenging/comfort-zone spirituality” is already the kiss of death for the vast majority of Christian music. And, believe me, it is very marketable.)


San Diego
