
Several More Readers Speak Strongly in Defense of the Reputation of ZZZZ Best’s Barry

Regarding your story on Barry Minkow, I feel compelled to make several comments. Although your story was well-written and well-researched, I feel that it left out one very important subject--the human factor.

In late 1986 I co-wrote and produced a 30-second public service announcement for Mothers Against Drunk Driving featuring actor Charlton Heston and the Flying Wheels wheelchair basketball team. This award-winning production was made at no cost to MADD. Even though the motion picture industry donated much time and equipment, there were still some major expenses that had to be covered before we could start filming.

Minkow, whom I have never met, heard of our plight and stepped in to help. His generous contribution made it possible for a very important message to be seen by tens of millions of Americans, and I know it has helped save lives. Without Minkow, this would not have been possible.


Also, I have since learned of Minkow’s personal dedication against drugs and alcohol, and for this he is to be commended.

Whatever his problems may or may not have been in the past, I feel Minkow is a man of integrity and worthy of our respect. That was then and now is now. Let’s see what the future holds for this bright and compassionate young man.


Beverly Hills
