
In Defense of Legal Fireworks

I am extremely tired of the yearly complaints by The Times concerning the sale of state-approved fireworks, as in your editorial on July 12.

It seems to me that you have never bought any recently, or even been to one of the local stands to see exactly what kind of items are legally available. The legal state-approved fireworks sold in California are probably the safest, most reliable, and well-made that can be bought anywhere.

I believe that they are repeatedly tested, not only for performance but also for chemical content and construction as well. And as I have read in the past, if there is an item with any reports of malfunctioning during the time it is on sale, the entire lot is recalled immediately.


It’s worth repeating again for those who are still not sure that state-approved fireworks do not fly, do not explode, and cannot contain any explosive powder whatsoever. They must, however, be used as they are meant to be used and each item is very clearly labeled.

As one who has been buying and using them for almost 20 years without any sort of problem to myself or anyone else, I would appreciate it if you would keep your complaints reserved for the individuals who insist on using the dangerous illegal fireworks, and for those who refuse to follow instructions on the legal ones.


