
The State - News from Aug. 4, 1987

The family of a girl held captive for 10 months by two child molesters said state aid for her psychotherapy has been cut off--while one of the men who kidnaped her continues to receive treatment paid for with money from the same fund. Tara Burke, now 8, was kidnaped in 1982. Nearly a year later, she and another child escaped from a van parked in an industrial district of San Francisco. She had been repeatedly molested by kidnapers Luis (Tree Frog) Johnson and Alex Cabarga, both now serving prison sentences. Tara received $10,000 from a state fund to help crime victims, to pay for psychiatric treatment. But that money is gone now, and the child’s mother complained that Cabarga is drawing on a $10,000 pool set up for him under the same law. State authorities ruled that Cabarga had also been a victim of Johnson and was entitled to the money to help him recover.
