

The article with its scathing attacks, insidious innuendoes, gossip and misinformed rumors was clearly an attempt to denigrate a woman who has been striving to meet the needs and goals of the community at large. Disgruntled employees exist in most work places. A closer look will reveal that most museum employees have been there since its inception.

For the past 20 years, Mrs. Brooks has fought long and hard for a forum from which Afro-American history and culture can be shared with all people. Her philosophy is that the way to peace and understanding of humankind is based on the sharing of information between cultures.

Most state museums have to beg for the allotment of funds that are all too often insufficient. They are at the bottom of the list in priority when they should be at the top. That we have any state museums at all is a miracle, and only through strong and tenacious leadership do they continue to exist.


Mrs. Brooks has spent many tireless hours fund raising for the museum. She is to be commended for its fine exhibits and its extraordinary status in the nation. (The envy of many a city.) It is truly a jewel in the crown in the State of California.


Los Angeles
