
NRA Ads on Gun Ownership

In a full-page ad, the NRA states that “a 20-year-old American has a 72% chance of being victimized by violent crime in his or her lifetime.” The ad goes on to ask why this potential victim should have to wait weeks or months before acquiring a firearm for legal self-defense.

So I’d like to ask the NRA: When this potential victim reads this ad, runs out and buys a handgun, and is killed by an intruder with the very same weapon (as is too often the case--ask a police officer), who takes the rap?

I’m all for defense of constitutional rights. But only to create a more sane and perfect union, not to further an already insanely violent society. This ad campaign plays on fear, hysteria and insanity. I guess some people will have their guns taken away when a burglar wrenches it from their cold, dead fingers.



