
Benefit Concert for Peltier

I read the article on the FBI official’s revulsion of the benefit concert for Peltier. I noticed that Karen Kossechomy, office manager of Peltier’s defense committee, said he is one voice. Please advise her that there are at least two voices. Ron Williams, one of the FBI agents murdered and mutilated, was my friend.

Since your article dealt primarily with Peltier’s defense, let me review what Peltier did.

Williams was assigned as one of two FBI agents to South Dakota.

Peltier and his associates were trying to take over the Indian reservation. Williams and Coler were driving in separate cars when they were ambushed. Coler was in the first car and was shot in the ambush. Williams stopped his car, called for help on his radio and went forward to Coler’s car to help him. Williams successfully fought them off until one attacker entered the gulch and crept up behind him. Williams saw him at the last minute and raised his hand in front of his face. The assailant shot him through the hand and face.

The thought that anyone could have a benefit concert for that sadistic Peltier is beyond belief. Perhaps Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson et al should talk to William’s mother first.



El Segundo
