
Mother’s Term in Two Deaths

After reading the letter by Milton Rouse (Nov. 15) concerning the sentencing of Beverly Jean Ernst, I hoped that others might also show compassion for another human being who has been devastated by the deaths of her two children and who must also bear the guilt of her own negligence.

Rouse’s beautifully written letter clearly placed the blame where it belongs. However, he was realistic in his criticism of the questionable appropriateness of the sentence imposed by the judge. Since no malice had been established, it seems only reasonable that Beverly Ernst should be given an opportunity to “make a turnaround” by placing her on probation.

Although I realize many factors were considered in the disposition of her case, however, I hope justice will be tempered with mercy for a young and troubled mother, who after spending four years in jail will come out only to live in a self-imposed prison for the rest of her life.



Corona del Mar
