
Killing Skies

Roland Joffe--director of “The Killing Fields” and “The Mission”--will next explore Los Alamos--and the people who made The Bomb.

“Fat Man and Little Boy”--the title comes from the nicknames for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki--is now “deep into pre-production” at Warners. This according to a source close to Joffe, who will direct from his own script. Producer is Tony Garnett.

The Joffe rep didn’t want to reveal story details. But someone who’s read (“and loved”) the script tells us it’s about “how people got caught up in the intellectual pursuit of what they were doing and forgot about the humanity of what it meant.”


Fictional characters will merge with those based on real-life characters--including J. Robert Oppenheimer, “father” of the A-bomb (who was at Los Alamos from 1943 to 1945).
