
10 Republican Senators Vow to Back INF Pact

United Press International

Ten Republican senators pledged their backing for the INF treaty at a White House meeting today, and Senate GOP leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) termed it “a big step in guaranteeing a big Republican vote for the treaty.”

Dole, who announced his support for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty last week, accompanied the Republicans to the White House and said senators congratulated Reagan for achieving the treaty and gave him “support for it in principle.”

Dole said the senators expressed “varying views” on the treaty and said they want to play a constructive role as the treaty moves through the Senate ratification process.


“All agreed that any proposed additions will be aimed at strengthening the treaty, the President’s hand in future talks and American security,” Dole said in a statement.

‘Making Good Progress’

“This is a big step in guaranteeing a big Republican vote for the treaty” to eliminate nuclear missiles with ranges from 300 to 3,400 miles, Dole said.

“I told the President we’re making good progress on picking up support on the treaty and we’ll continue to work with the White House,” said Dole, a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination. “My colleagues expressed concerns about certain aspects of the treaty, but there’s no doubt when the votes are cast, we’ll have overwhelming Republican support.”


Senators attending were Christopher S. Bond of Missouri, Rudy Boschwitz of Minnesota, Alphonse M. D’Amato of New York, John C. Danforth of Missouri, Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, Chic Hecht of Nevada, Bob Kasten of Wisconsin, Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, Paul S. Trible of Virginia and Pete Wilson of California.
