
Humane Society on Ostrich Races

On behalf of those individuals who believe in and represent quality animal care and control, the Pasadena Humane Society would like to set the record straight regarding the ostrich races that took place last month during the South Pasadena Centennial celebration.

It is our feeling that the Pasadena Humane Society has been misrepresented and treated unfairly in some recent stories regarding our activity during the ostrich races.

We understand that this issue is best forgotten at this point, but we feel the people should be made aware of what really happened regarding involvement of our organization.


When the animals were injured, concerned bystanders put in a call to the Pasadena Humane Society. Two of our officers were dispatched to the location and responded to the call in a timely manner, arriving just two minutes before the next race was about to begin.

It has been said that our officers gave the go-ahead for the second race to begin, when, in fact, they arrived only two minutes before the second race began.

After the second race, our officers informed officials that it was the desire of the Pasadena Humane Society that the races be discontinued because of the stress on the birds and bleeding. Our feeling is that if there is blood on any animal, something is not right.


Please let it be understood that our officers never left the premises, as was implied in some stories, but stayed to finish their investigation.

It should also be noted that the Pasadena Humane Society or local animal control agency should be notified when there is any activity involving animals in our community. We were not informed that ostrich races would be held during the Centennial celebration.

The Pasadena Humane Society feels that it is our obligation to do what is right for the health, safety and welfare of the animal and we regret that there were injuries incurred by both the human and animal participants. We feel that as a professional and highly respected organization we responded in a timely and responsible fashion so as to not allow any further injuries to both parties.



Pasadena Humane Society
